“Let’s make America great again.” That’s the Trump slogan that is now, officially, the rallying cry for GOP. On the surface, it seems innocuous enough, until you start thinking about it.  It implies that we, as a nation, have somehow lost our greatness. Couple that with the main theme flowing through most of the speeches, you would think that we have devolved into a lawless nation/state that is on the brink of self-destruction.

This view is just plain wrong. It is true that our nation is not perfect, and we have major problems we have to deal with, but one does not achieve greatness by being perfect. We achieve greatness by the way we overcome our imperfections. And though out history, this great nation has, time and time again, overcome our imperfections through unity and working together.

I’m tired of listening to the Republican Party as they form a platform that alienates my LGBTQ friends and family. I’m tired of the speeches that denigrate my Mexican family and demonizes my Muslim friends. I’m tired of watching a political party seeking to divide this country when it is our unity that makes us great.

So I say that we don’t have to “make America great again,” instead we should focus on keeping America great by coming together for solutions rather than driving us apart by appealing to our worst selves.

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